Importance Of Eye Protection And Incident/Accident Report Forms

What’s in this email

1) Importance of Eye Protection while playing Pickleball
2) Incident/Accident Report Forms and Procedure

1) As noted by USAPA, “While hollow and lightweight, the ball used in pickleball is a hard polymer and can travel at a very high rate of speed. The use of proper eye protection is highly recommended for all players.”  Many of us have witnessed someone being hit in the face with a ball or been hit ourselves. Unless you are wearing some form of eye protection when you play you are risking an eye injury such as a detached retina. Many of us use sunglasses when it is sunny but don’t think about eye protection at night or when it is cloudy.  You should use eye protection anytime you are playing. 

2) If an injury occurs, monitors at club events are responsible for filling out an Incident/Accident Report form. These forms are available in the binders at the Monitor Station. The completed form must then be delivered to the Activities Department located in the Sonoran Plaza (19753 N. Remington Drive). Completed forms should not be left at the Monitor Station or returned to the binders. Thank you for your cooperation.

Dennis Raggi
President SCG Pickleball Club

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