Upcoming Pickleball Clinics

We are planning to once again conduct clinics at the 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 skill levels.

Since many of you have entered the tournament to take place here on 12/13-14-15, we are going to have special clinics specifically dealing with tournament preparation, and strategy. They  will take place during the weeks of Oct. 28th, Nov. 4th, and Nov. 11th, and occur during your normal skill level drop in day.

For these three weeks, we ask that only those people who are registered to play in the December tournament, participate. There will be open courts for regular skill level play.

The regular clinics will begin in January, and be open to any member. There will be more information about these later.

In preparation for the regular clinics, we will require that everyone attending at the 3.5 level show us confirmation that you have been rated a 3.5. That written confirmation can be obtained from Linda Hoggatt,  Jerry Louis, or your USAPA rating.

Your cooperation helps us, to help you.


Mel Langer/Jeanne Harteau
Clinic Coordinators
