Tournament Re-Cap#2

You all made me smile this morning, as of 8:15 this morning, the number of responses was 70.  The winner is Kathy Ginsbach.
I forgot to mention all of the host families who took players and guests into their homes.  We heard nothing but great things about all of our hosts.

That’s the first word that comes to mind when I finally woke up this morning.  What this club has accomplished this year was truly incredible.  When people came up to me during the past week and thanked me, all I could say was “It was a team effort”.  And what a team it is.  During all of the interviews, I said that the entire 1400+ club members were responsible for putting on the tournament.  The easiest way to say “Thank You” would’ve been to get the clubs roster and cut and paste everyone’s name in.  I do need to thank a bunch of the people that stepped in, stepped up, gave till it hurt, or just killed themselves to make this event happen and it was an EVENT.

First off.  A Huge Group hug to Craig Soubliere, Linda Hoggatt, Bob and Kris Barczak, and John and Marcee Grasso for running the show and making it a giant success.  Craig worked himself sick getting everything ready and looking pretty.  Next there was Laura and Keith Darrow for taking care of all of the food and social side of the tournament, followed by Angie Robinson, Colleen Grimes who didn’t always know where I was going, but still managed to pull off their part of the madness.  We had a number of glitches during the long weekend, but each one that popped up was taken care of quickly.  Earle Greenberg got out of bed multiple times to come fix the sound system, Joe Williams, and Mike O’Meara being on call and on site to fix the IT issues.  Roy Seaverson, who did every crap job thrown at him from water/gift bag delivery to trash and bathroom attendant.  Pat Kane loaned us his generator when we lost power.  Jerry Louis was always the first one in each morning and helped to get it set up again.  Rick Hoffaditz and Doug Dawson built the medal stands, the bracket boards and even created a giant pizza warming box at the last minute.

The set up and take down groups were absolutely awesome.  They moved all of the furniture, benches, medal stands, tables and chairs, installing and dismantling the bleachers and hanging the 50+ banners around the courts.  The clubs board of directors were the backbone that made this tournament what it was and can be moving forward.  I’m sure that I missed one or two hundred people that should be thanked and know that I and the club really do appreciate your help getting this tournament off of the ground and as a test to see who reads my emails to the end, I will give a prize to the twenty fifth person to reply to this email with the word wow.  I will send you back an email with your number on it.  I will be sending out further updates on how we did with numbers of players, spectators, matches played, money raised and a whole lot more.

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns
