Skill-level Clinics are designed to assist students in advancing their skill of playing pickleball and their understanding of the strategy of the game with a focus on partnering, shot selection and execution. You must know the basic rules of the game to participate.
Clinics are scheduled for one and a half hours. You must attend the full session. Players will be divided into groups of four to eight per court with an experienced instructor coaching throughout the playing time.
Clinics are held each week during the months of January, February and March. Look for an email blast with details on the start date, time and courts being used.
The number of courts utilized is determined by the Training Directors. No on-line sign-up is required.
Come to the breezeway between courts 16 and 17. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of clinic. Anyone arriving after the start time will not be allowed to attend.
***Be advised that your instructor may move you up or back a skill-level depending upon their assessment of your abilities.
Training Directors:
Jeanne Harteau (
Mel Langer (