
Check the Calendar of Events for Drop-In times.

What is Drop-In: A Drop-In session is one in which players drop in, without advance reservations, to play other Drop-In players. There are two types of Drop-In sessions:

  • A 3 hour block of time reserved each morning, on all courts, for all players.
  • A 90 minute block of time reserved on selected days, on selected courts, for Drop-In of specific skill levels.

Who can Play: Players must be Grand Pickleball Club members or guests* in order to play in the Drop-In sessions.  Residents (including Renters) will be welcomed for a maximum of three Drop-In sessions before they must join the Club.

* Overnight guests of club members may play at “Drop-In” as long as they are accompanied by the member. The member will need to go to the monitor station and sign in their guest. The guest must wear a guest badge while playing. The guest must be at least 16 years old to play. Monitors will need to make sure all guests have signed in and are wearing a guest badge.


  • Club members must wear their name badges during Drop-In
  • Guests must wear a temporary guest badge provided by the Monitor
  • Rally Scoring is the only type of scoring allowed during Drop-In
  • Northwest court side serves first.
  • Courts are designated by skill level, players may play up or down a skill level – click Court Maps for court skill level court designations
  • Drop-In playing priority is determined by the placement of a player’s paddle in the appropriate paddle holder. The paddle holders manage who is up next to play.
    • Players place their paddles in the paddle holders at their skill level courts
    • Click Paddle Holders if you want to know what the holders look like.
  • All players must come off of the court after a game and place their paddles back in the paddle holders, unless no one is waiting to play
  • No “organized” (no monopolization of courts by a group of players) will be allowed during Club Member Drop-In. If you find this is occurring, please feel free to email the Club President stating the situation at tkonz2@wi.rr.com
  • If a court is empty, “any skill level may play on that court. However, if those skill-level players come at a later time, they are allowed to have court after the current game is completed.