Novice Courts Drop-In Announcement

Pickleball – Beginning Players 

December 2nd through the 21st 

The Grand Pickleball Club is encouraging novice players (2.0 and 2.5} to take advantage of the “drop-in” courts dedicated for their skill level.  The Courts dedicated for novice play are #1 and #2 from 9:00 am until Noon each day of the week.   

Drop-In play is new for many beginning players.  The Pickleball Club has volunteers that will be onsite to assist those interested Monday through Friday for the 3-week period.   

The goals of the Pickleball Club for this Novice level focus play are simple: 

  • Promote Pickleball play for beginning/newer players. 
  • Promote meeting new Grand neighbors with Pickleball interests.   It is a great way to socialize and expand friendships with players with similar skills. 
  • Grow the use of dedicated drop-in courts for novice players.

    The Pickleball Club Board of Directors

