Board of Directors election and COMPLAINTS

Once again, the same person(s) who complains about every decision that the club/board or myself make, complained to CAM about the way that we are running the upcoming BOD election.  She stated that we have not given club members ample time to register electronically for the 2025 BOD election and wanted us to not hold the election next week. 
This is to be the first BOD election that will offer members a chance to vote electronically or in person (paper ballot) at the December 10 club members meeting. 

A little history.  Every BOD election in years prior to this year was an in-person vote only.  That meant that the 50-100 people who showed up and voted, got to speak for the almost 2000 club members.  Not the fairest way to elect a board, but it was by the rules.
This has been a complaint for a number of years, and we found a way to hold an election where everyone who wished to vote could. 

Starting in January of this year, we contracted with Voting Portals to handle our electronic election and sent out email blasts talking about how to sign up for Voting Portals. 

Every club member who joined the club after January was automatically enrolled. 
Since then, more emails were sent out and we talked about Voting Portal/BOD election at both the October and November Club members meeting and it has been posted on our club’s website. 

The results?  Over 1358 club members have signed up to vote in this election and the other 600 members have chosen not to enroll (yet).  That’s well over 2/3 of the entire club poised to cast a vote electronically or show up in person and fill out a ballot. I think that this is a fantastic start on a new way to hold an election.

Like my email sent out this morning stated, electronic voting starts at 9AM on December 6 and ends at 2PM on December 10. 
There is still time to sign up in Voting Portal if you want to vote electronically.  I hope that most members will vote one way or the other. 

Lastly, please let me or any other board member know if you have any issues/problems/questions that could be solved by us, before you seek to get CAM or an HOA board member involved in the pickleball club’s business. 

I hope that everyone has a great holiday season and to please come out this weekend to enjoy the Grand Games VI pickleball tournament along with the many raffle prizes, vendors, and fantastic food being offered.

