What’s in this email?
1) Courts 9 -12 open
2) New Officers take office January 1
1) A visit to the courts a short time ago found 9 – 12 accessible. One lock remained, but this was apparently a problem of a missing key, rather than courts not ready.
The last coummunication we had from CAM (Scott Phillips) about the schedule for courts 1 – 8 said, “The other remaining courts will be worked on December 28 – January 1st.” We will ask Scott if this is still the best estimate.
2) The terms of 2016 Club Officers and Board members start January 1. These are as follows:
- Steve Berwald, President
- Bill Murphy, Vice President
- John Olson, Treasurer (John has agreed to serve, requires Board confirmation.)
- Carol Willoughby, Secretary
- Paul Reiss, Member at Large
- Peter Hladek, Member at Large
- Janice Roberts, Member at Large
Dennis Raggi
SCG Pickleball President