You may signup to monitor for the clubs Drop-In events by going to our website at and click on “Monitoring” and then click on “Monitor Sign-up Calendar.” In the bottom left corner of the calendar is a link to “login”. Click on the link. The username and password are the same as are used to access the club roster (if you need help you can email the monitor chair for the username and password as shown below). The calendar will reappear after signing in. Select the month you would like to Monitor in, click on the date and click on “add event” in the upper left corner. When you get to the “Add Event” screen, you only need to fill in your “name” and complete the “start” and “end” time and then click on “Add”. You will be returned to the Monitor Calendar. Verify that your name is shown on the month and date you selected. You have now successfully scheduled your monitoring event.
If you need to cancel your date, login as above, select the month and click on the day where your name is displayed. Then click on “Delete Event” in the upper left corner. You will then be returned to the Monitor Calendar where you can verify your name has been removed.
Monitors are required for all club Drop-in Events as shown below:
October 16, to April 30
- 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – every day
- 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM – weekdays only
May 1, to October 15
- 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM – every day
The Monitor Calendar also contains a link to the Monitor Procedures. All monitors should read the procedures before serving. Please let me know if you need any additional help and thank you for your interest in fulfilling the clubs monitor requirements. Contact Info: Joe Best Monitor Chair 360-770-7897 Email