Court Happenings

  1. There is a need for Monitors for the last part of February and most of March.  Please sign up to monitor.
  2. With only 2 weeks left to register for the Grand Games, there have been only 58 people signed up.  Please don’t wait until the last moment.  There are forms in the breezeways and the how to register online is listed below.

DATES: March31, April 1-2, 2020 (8 AM)

Entry Deadline: Entries Must Be Received by March 10, 2020

Each Player Must: Pick their own Partner

Tournament fee is $25 for one or more events.

Online registration and payment with PayPal payment is available or fill out a registration form (available at the courts), write a check and mail or drop off in the drop box by court 1.

Only club members in good standing may participate.

Mar 31st – Women’s Doubles Skill Level

Apr 1st –  Men’s Doubles Skill Level

Apr 2nd –  Mixed Doubles Skill Level

Double elimination tournament – Check-In 30 minutes prior to start time
Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.