1. Summer Hours
2. Monitors for May
3. Message from the President
1. Summer Hours
Pickleball court hours will change on May 1st to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm and, if there are no complaints from those homes adjacent to the pickleball courts, then we will continue to play starting at 6:00 am and ending at 10:00 pm. This is to accommodate those players who want to avoid the hot hours of the day.
Hours for all club events will change on May 6th as follows:
8 am – 10 am Drop In
8 am – 10 am Ladders
A Ladder Monday
B Ladder Tuesday
C Ladder Wednesday
N Ladder Thursday
7 pm – 9 pm Mixers
Sunday Night Mixer
Monday Night Singles Mixer
Tuesday Night Couples Mixer
Thursday Night Mixer
There will be No Sunday Singles Mixer or Skill Level Drop-ins
The reservation page will open up to reservations from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm on May 1st.
2. Monitors for May
Monitors are needed for May 2013; please fulfill your obligation now as we will not be able to have everyone complete their duty at the end of the year.
3. Message from the President
Your new Pickleball Board is off to a great start for 2013. We have a great group of Volunteers, Chair Persons and Board Members. I am very pleased with the 99.9% compliance by our membership for purchasing and using the approved pickleball paddles. The Board has worked successfully with Scott Phillips and Mitzi Mills, working together for the good of the club. Just recently, your Board has been able to extend the hours of play: 6 am – 10 pm for May through September, assuming there are no complaints. The Fall Fling and Holiday Party are ready to take off and we will be ready to have two great parties in the Fall. I have put a committee together to update the presentation for the need of more pickleball courts. This presentation will be delivered to the appropriate committees once we all get back from the summer break. For those staying in SCG all summer, stay out of the extreme heat and for those heading off to different parts of the country, have a safe trip.
Have a great summer,
Bob Applebaum
Pickleball Club