1. Birthday Celebration
Mark your calendars and plan to attend a special Birthday celebration for Myrl and Evie Bailey on July 17th at 6:30 pm, in the Cimarron Pavilion. Myrl will be 94 on July 18th and Evie ??? on July 19th (it’s not polite to ask a lady). For those members that don’t know Myrl, he is still a very active player in our club, playing 2 or 3 times a week.
Steffi Politi will be providing cake and the rest of us can join in a chorus of Happy Birthday for Myrl and Evie. We will play some Pickleball following the celebration. Hope to see all of you there.
Please RSVP to Steffi at steffiqliny@yahoo.com to ensure we have cake for everyone attending. Drinks will NOT be provided, so please BYOB. (that’s: Bring Your Own Bottle, water of course)
George Cox for Bob Applebaum