1. Mixer Monitor Binder is Missing
The Mixer Monitor Binder is missing from the monitor’s chest at the courts. Please check your packs and belongings to see if you accidently took it home. If you have it, please return ASAP. Mixer monitors should use the morning drop-in sign-in sheets and cross out that information and write the name of the mixer at the top of the sheet until the binder is returned or replaced.
2. Monitors Needed
Monitors are urgently needed for the remaining days in August and every day in September. Drop-in will be cancelled if we do not have monitors.
Now is the time to sign up and fulfill your monitor requirement in 2013. Those that do not complete their monitor requirement will be unable to play in club events in 2014.
Every member must monitor in 2013. There are no exceptions.
3. The Lost and Found box at the courts is full. Please check the box for items you may have left on the courts. The box is located under the large counter top, on the right side, in the Pavilion.
Bob Applebaum
Pickleball Club