1. Nominating Committee
The Pickleball Board has appointed the following members to the nominating committee for 2014 Pickleball Board nominations:
Bob Julian, Chair – email
Marty Cohen – email
The board would like to thank the above members for their willingness to volunteer and help the club with this year’s nominations.
2. Call For 2014 Board Nominations
Nominations for the 2014 Pickleball Board are now open. The following positions are open to all members. Click the link next to the position title for a description of the duties for each position. All current members of the club are eligible and may nominate themselves or other members of the club to fill the following positions:
President – Duties
Vice President – Duties
Secretary – Duties
Treasurer – Duties
2 Members at Large – Duties
Those interested may also want to review the clubs Standing Rules and Regulations that include a description of the position responsibilities at http://pball.grandpickleball.org/docs/standing_rules.pdf, the club Bylaws at http://grandpickleball.org/bylaws/, and the Chartered Club Rules and Regulations at http://s159338531.onlinehome.us/ddocc/charter-club-rules–regulations—2007-edition.pdf.
Nominations will remain open and additional nominees are encouraged until the next membership meeting on October 8, 2013. A call for other nominations will take place at the October membership meeting and then nominations will be closed. Elections will take place at the November 12, 2013 membership meeting.
Nominations may be sent to the nominating committee by using the email link next to their name above. Please verify that your nominee will serve if nominated.
3. Monitors Needed
We only have two days that need monitors in August but September is completely blank. Now is the best time to sign up and fulfill your 2013 monitor requirement. September is the last month to receive a monitor credit for monitoring two hours. October drop-in will again become a three hour event. Please sign up now.
Bob Applebaum
Pickleball Club