WHAT’S IN THIS EMAIL 1. Board Members 2014 2. Monitoring Duty 3. Fall Fling Party 4. Court Issues 5. Membership Meetings 6. Conversion of 1 Tennis Court into 4 Pickleball Courts 7. Misc. Information |
1. Board Members 2014
Below is a list of nominees for the Pickleball Club Board for 2014. If you are interested in being a nominee, please contact Bob Julian at rjulian1@cox.net.
President: Bob Applebaum
Vice-President Keith Darrow
Secretary Sharon Navratil
Treasurer Bob Bahlman
Member at LargeGerri Gerard
Member at LargeDoug Pusateri
Member at LargeLyn Holt
2. Monitoring Duty
There are 368 members who have not fulfilled their monitoring duty; we still need monitors for Oct., Nov. & Dec.
3. Fall Fling Party
The Fall Fling Party is just 3 weeks away and currently we have 30 spots open for anyone wishing to attend this fun party. $15/person and if you want to attend contact Linda Durkee Chair Person: pbfling@cox.net.
4. Court Issues
The Legacy paddle is in the RED zone and currently not allowed to be used in SCG. Please adhere to our Code of Conduct on the courts. The board is putting into place a plan to ease the Jan., Feb. & March overcrowding of members on the courts. The Card Readers at this time are still not activated. Please do not take pickle balls from our courts – they are the property of our club. The benches on the courts are not to be moved as they are causing scratches when moved that ruin our courts.
5. Membership Meetings
The board is recommending that we have General Membership Meetings, January, April, October, November & December. This still fulfills our SCG obligations.
6. Conversion of 1 Tennis Court into 4 Pickleball Courts
A committee was formed to update the formal presentation of the conversion of 1 tennis court into 4 pickleball courts. The committee has worked on this presentation for many months now and it is ready to be presented to Gina Worch & the Executive Director of CAM. Bill Booth & Bob Applebaum will present our suggestions and recommendations as soon as Gina gives us a date.
7. Misc. Information
The board has put together a committee of Mike O’Meara & George Cox to look into the possibility of putting a computer monitor at the courts so that we can have “real time scheduling” via the internet. Cost would be about $432.00.
Elissa & Ken Kravitz are resigning as the clubs Court Reservations Editor & Event Calendar Editor. Bill Booth will fill both positions.
The board has decided that the Fall Fling & Holiday Party will be defined as Social Events and not Club Events so that this will allow non resident guests who are accompanied by a member can attend these functions.
Jan Booth is looking for volunteers to help out at the National Pickleball Tournament which is held at Festival November 11th – 17th. If interested contact Jan at: janbooth@usapa.org
Couples Mixer start Oct. 8th at 6:00 pm (each team will be a man & woman) questions email: gaylemorris@cox.net.