What’s in this email?
1) Dues Deadline
2) Bulletin Board
3) 75+ drop in
4) Guest Speaker General Meeting Tuesday 2/10
5) No Sunday night mixer, 2/1/15
6) Monitors needed for February
7) Turning off Court lights
1) A reminder to please submit your application and renewal fee by this Saturday, 1/31/15. After 1/31/15, if not paid, you are considered delinquent and all Club benefits are suspended. The application is on line or can be picked up at the courts. When mailing the application, please include a photocopy of your cam card. Please follow the instructions on the application carefully.
2) The bulletin board committee is in the process of redoing the bulletin board so we appreciate some patience as they complete their project.
3) The 75+ drop-in on Saturday’s, 2:00-4:00pm, courts 1-4, has been very successful. Please come out on Saturdays (if you quality) and join in the fun. All skill levels welcome.
4) A reminder, our February guest speaker at the general meeting on 2/10 will be Dr. Michael Cronin, a practicing Naturopathic doctor in Arizona since 1982. Please see the flyers at the pavilion for more information and Dr. Mile’s Bio. This presentation is again open to all residents of SCG. Based on our experience from our prior speaker, we will be starting the presentation at 2:45. This will be a half hour presentation with 15 minutes for Q and A. We expect another large turnout so please come early for best sitting. The general meeting will follow right after.
5) It is Super Bowl Sunday this week so the Sunday night mixer has been canceled. It will resume as scheduled, 2/8/15
6) We need monitors for AM and PM Club drop-in events. Please sign up and get your required yearly monitoring completed early in the year. Only one monitor per event. The Saturday afternoon monitor (2-4pm) is for the 75+ drop in only (all members are eligible to monitor). The instructions on monitoring requirements and duties are located on the website.
7) We understand the court lights are sometimes being left on. Please, if you or your friends are the last ones to leave the courts, turn off all the court lights. The switches are located by the rest rooms next to the red 911 call box.
Dennis Raggi
President SCG Pickleball Club