As this will be my last email blast of 2018, I wanted to wish each and everyone of you a healthy and happiest of New Years for 2019. May your forehands be strong, your backhands be wicked and your drop shots and dinks be devastating. A few last minute announcements.
- There is a new monitor calendar on our website, so if you have signed up to monitor in January, you will need to go back in and re sign up. Those who have signed up to monitor in the afternoons will also have to re-do their sign up to an AM date due to no longer having PM drop in.
- St Luke’s is providing AED/First Aid training before the January club members meeting in the pickleball pavilion on January 8, 2019 from 1-3 PM. Please email me to sign up for this as we only have 60 spots.
- Guest badges will be located in the monitor folder inside the pavilion. If you have a guest, please fill out the badge and have your guest wear it.
I’m looking forward to a better 2019, see everyone out on the courts.