Free Pickleball Clinics

Free, Free, Free

  • Jeanne Harteau and Mel Langer will be starting free pickleball clinics the week of January 14, 2019 for players at the 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 skill levels.  The clinics are intended to run through March 31, 2019.
  • These clinics will take place at the regular skill level drop in times (12-2 PM) respectively
  • 3.0 is Mondays
  • 2.5 is Tuesdays
  • 3.5 is Thursdays
  • There are excellent instructors lined up to teach the clinics
  • We will be using 4 of the 6 courts that are designated for the skill level drop in.  The other 2 can be used by those who are not interested in the clinic.
  • There is no need to sign up, just show up on your designated day.
  • The clinics are FREE, leave your money at home, but please wear your name tag.
