Did You Receive Your Monitor Credit??
You should always check to be sure you received your monitor credit. It may take 2 or 3 weeks before the credit is given, so that’s the best time to check.
Please do not assume you have a credit because you monitored, check your status before renewing your membership.
How Do I Check??
You go to the clubs roster at https://grandpickleball.org/roster/. Click on “Go Directly to the Roster, Password Required” and then enter the Username and Password.
If you do not know the Username and Password contact the Membership Chair or the Webmaster.
Then scroll the screen and find your name. If you received a monitor credit it will read “Monitor(1)” and possibly Prev. Year(1). If it shows Monitor(1) or more, then you have received a monitor credit for the current year. If the space is blank or reads Prev.(1), you have “NOT” received a monitor credit for the current year.
But I Monitored – How Do I Get My Credit??
With over 1400 members, it is very possible that it was missed. To request a credit, send an email to Vicki Sexton at scgmonitorcredit@gmail.com and indicate the following:
- Your name
- CAM #
- Approximate date you monitored or volunteered
- A description of the event you monitored or volunteered at
- Check your status after two weeks to be sure you received your credit
Why Is This So Important??
Membership renewals are just around the corner, opening November 1. If you have a monitor credit, your dues will be discounted. If you do not have a monitor credit, you will pay higher dues. Submitting an application with the incorrect dues will result in a “rejection” delaying your renewal.
So please check the roster. Getting it right now will save our volunteers hours of frustrating time when renewing hundreds of applications.
Your help is very much appreciated.