Happy Spring, or as we like to call it in AZ, Happy Summer.
We have a lot of imformation to put out, first, the PSA.
Earlier this week, we had a guest of a club member playing (2nd time in his life)on the courts. He went back for a lob, somehow tripped and fell, hitting his head and is now in ICU with a brain bleed. All of our hopes and prayers are with him on his road to recovery. The PSA is this: Do Not backpedal for a lob, turn and go after it or better yet, LET IT GO.
Everyone should know that there are signs on each court that states the address of the courts when you call 911. There are 2 AED devices, one in each bathroom. Become familiar with them (we will have AED classes in the fall). If there are medical incidents at or on the courts, please fill out an incident report located in the pavilion in the monitors binder.
Yesterday, a group of ladies from the SCG Pickleball Club (Julie Billetz, Jennie Riazanski, Barb Larson, Laura Forbes, Joan Latshaw and Pam Speer) finished up their 2021 Arizona Pickleball Players League season by winning the end of season tournament and are the 2021 Arizona Pickleball Players League 4.0 Women’s State Champions. Please congratulate them when you see them. It truly is a great accomplishment.
The Pickleball Club BOD met on Tuesday afternoon to go over our future plans and goals. We see 2022 as the year to give back and we hope that you all are able to enjoy what we have planned. The Treasurers reports and Minutes will be posted to our club website.
- The next club members meeting will be October 12, 2021 from 3-5PM in the Agua Fria room at Cimmaron Center. There will be good food and drink at each of our meetings going forward. Our hope is that we will be able to gather like in the days of yore.
- Leagues, Ladders, Clinics, Skill Level Drop Ins, should all start in the month of October. More info to follow
- We are planning a HUGE club party utilizing the courts as our venue during the week of January 16-22, 2022. There is much planning to do but, it will be catered, there will be a live band, and it will be the largest party Sun City Grand has seen.
- Another event, either weekly or monthly will be Glow Pickleball (google it). It should start, either later this year or by January 2022 at the latest.
- PDP update:
- The club wrote a check to CAM for $11+K to have electricity and outlets put throughout the breezeways and courts. Work will start April 13-16 2021.
- Bike Rakes will be installed along the fence line later on this month.
- Mister System for the breezeway by courts 18,20,21,22 is out for quotes and should be installed before the summer.
- Upgrading the current bathrooms is out for quotes (We are asking that the existing bathrooms be expanded to have 3 women’s stalls and the men’s to have 2 stalls and 2 urinals). This project may take a bit longer as it goes through the whole process.
The Board also came out with the suggested renewal dues for 2022 and this will go out for an entire club electronic vote very soon.
Lastly, Thanks to all of your continuing contributions and donations, Susan and I have been able to feed and clothe the local homeless group for the last 13 weeks. We now feed upwards of 80 people each Friday night and have given out tons of clothes, jackets, socks and over 50 bikes. We truly could not do it without the help and support of the Pickleball Club. We will continue to accept any type of donations that is given. Socks and Bikes are the biggest asked for items. We really can’t thank you all enough for all of the help given this year.
Let me know if there are any questions