Court Updates

Yesterday, the Grand Board of Directors approved the installation of a Mister system in the breezeway by courts 18, 20, 21, 22.  It will be installed down the middle of the breezeway and will provide some comfort during our mild summers.  I’m not sure when it will be installed, but hopefully soon. 

In addition to the misters, We have had over 600 people say yes to the club party in February of 2022.  This could be the biggest party that Grand has ever seen.  We have a band (Thaddeus Rose Band) booked and a Comedian (Tim Bateman) to entertain us before the band and during the bands breaks.  We are only looking to gather info on how many members might be interested in going to the event, so if you haven’t voted yet, please find my original email and vote.  We anticipate between 700-1000 people attending.

Let me know if there are any questions.