Court Updates 1

I will be sending out quite a number of emails in the next few weeks and months to help keep club members up to date on changes going on, and around our pickleball courts.  There will be surveys, calendars, updates and so much more.  Please take the time to read and ask questions before the season begins.  It has been a busy summer so far with the Board and different committee’s working hard to make our club better than its ever been, and this is the first update.
Towards the end of this past season ( I define a season as September through April), we started a new drop  in process.  This is what the new paddle holders look like and the process map to explain how the holders work.  The new Drop in process works very well and is a lot of fun.  There are maps located throughout the complex that explain what skill levels are on which courts as well as which courts are challenge courts.  I hope that everyone gives the new process a chance and comes to enjoy it as much as the people who have been using it this summer.  Look for more updates to follow.

Stay safe and hydrated

