Please read the enclosed note from Mel and Jeanne about the new skill level clinics.
Hi Everyone,
The opening week of clinics drew record crowds for both the 2.0/2.5, and 3.0 skill levels.
True to our word – if you “came out” (on time) – you were not “shut out”.
The energy and enthusiasm that all of you brought to the courts was clearly evident.
We are always searching for ways to make your clinic experience better.
With your help, that can be accomplished.
Starting next week, we ask that you not enter a court before an instructor is standing at the entrance. Once the instructor is there, they will enter the court and allow eight players to follow.
Do not be concerned. Again, if you show up on time, you will participate.
This new system is simply a way for us to ensure an even distribution of students per court.
We are also asking that if you have already been with one instructor, that you not return to the court where the same instructor is.
We want you to get the benefit of working with all of our instructors. That will give you the best cross section of ideas, techniques, etc.
Thanks for helping us to help you.
Mel Langer/Jeanne Harteau
Directors of Training
Have fun, play pickleball.