March Pickleball Club Membership Meeting

Below is the Agenda for the March Pickleball club members meeting being held on Tuesday, March 14 from 4-6PM in the Agua Fria room at the Cimarron Center.

  1. Call to Order:
  2. Introduce any new members.
  3. Secretary’s Report: Approve the February 2023 Board meeting minutes.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:  Approve the January 2023 Treasurer’s report.


  1. Attendance: Membership is already at 1807.  February 2023 had 7,799 people swipe in.
  2. Tournament Update:  Linda Hoggatt is the Tournament Director – Sign up ends March 13
  3. New Court Committee update.
  4. Court resurfacing/windscreens replacement


  1. Name/Badge changes.  
  2. New court reservation programs – we are looking at multiple programs.  
  3. Rally Scoring-Stacking clinic 
  4. Seasonal time change – currently May 1 and September 1 – looking at what makes sense.
  5. March will be the last club members meeting until October or November.
  6. Open the floor to questions.
  7. Adjourn meeting.

Remember to
Have fun, play pickleball.
