Club Member Drop in and Tournament News

I have been getting phone calls, emails and texts about guests at our club member Drop-In periods from members and monitors.  I witnessed quite a few guests yesterday during Drop-In myself. 

If you are a member of the club and have guests staying with you, you can bring them to Drop-In.  You must sign them in, get a visitor tag, and stay with them.  You cannot just drop them off.  They need to play in their appropriate skill level courts.  
Drop In is not the place to “Teach” a guest how to play pickleball.  The limit for guests is 3 times per calendar year.  

There is also the issue with short term renter residents who have a CAM card but have not joined the club.  
Supposedly there is a card issued/sold by CAM for $25 that gives them access to amenities around the property, but this does not include “Club Member Drop-In times”.  Monitors should be aware of this and ask them to sign in as a “resident guest” and explain the communities 3 times a year guest policy.  

The Grand Games V are shaping up very nicely.  There are almost 240 players signed up so far with 4 weeks left to register.  The t-shirt order was placed today, and we ordered extra shirts for those late people, but as of now, there is no guarantee of getting a t-shirt.  

We do need some players/teams to fill out brackets.  
We need a couple more 2.5 women’s doubles teams and 2.5 mixed doubles teams.  This is a great tournament to begin your tournament career.  
There will be quite a few vendors at the tournament along with food and beverages, so if you are not playing, you can come watch and walk vendors’ row. 
We will be sending out an email requesting volunteers during the tournament along with “Job Descriptions” and how to sign up to volunteer later this week. 

More to follow 

