What’s in this email
1) Treasures 2015 Budget report
2) Guest Speaker & Membership Meeting
3) March Charity Tournament
4) Do Not Argue with monitors
1) The Revised 2015 Treasurer Club Budget has been posted on the club website, please read prior to meeting 2/10/15.
2) Tuesday at 2:45pm we will start with this months guest speaker Dr Michael Cronin a 30min presentation with Q & A to follow, Pickleball Membership Meeting to follow guest speaker, apx 3:40 pm.
3) March Charity Tournament, scheduled for 3/20, 21,& 22. Flier with descriptions will be posted and emailed.
4) We have had complaints of members being rude and argumentative with the drop in monitors about showing CAM cards at sign in. This will not be tolerated, monitors are fellow club members, that are only following the monitor guidelines. If you are reported as being rude you will be asked to leave the premises, if it happens again a code of conduct complaint will be filed against you.
Dennis Raggi
President SCG Pickleball Club