First off, I am not looking for any replies or comments to my message below.  It is what it is.

Today, I received an email from the SCG BOD along with a letter of complaint and a picture.  The picture shows pickleball players standing way to close to each other (They could be club members or they could be residents of Grand, again, I’m not looking to blame or accuse anyone).  

Moving forward-

  1.  Masks are to be worn onto and off of the court that you are heading to (you do not have to wear it during play on the court)
  2.  6 foot distancing WILL be maintained, while on or around the courts and breezeways.
  3.  EACH player will have their own ball to play with.

What I learned today is that SCG has a series of protocols that can be levied against a club member and/or the entire club.

  1. For the first violation, an Initial Notice (Verbal) is to remind the individual  of the current reopening rules and policies.
  2.  Second violation notice is sent when an individual is found to have violated the rules for a second time.
  3.  Third violation will result in a temporary suspension from common area facilities.
  4.  Fourth violation would result in an indefinite suspension from all common area facilities.

Obviously, there is an appeals process for the above listed violations

Please remember that everyone is watching how we follow the protocols and we need to be smart on what we are doing inside of the community.
We haven’t been threatened by anyone or by the BOD, this is just a reminder to play safe and be safe and follow the RULES..
