Happy Friday to one and all.
I have a few items of interest and concern to bring up.
- Pickleball usage- I have put out 1,000 balls in the blue buckets since the beginning of December last year. This is more balls than we normally use in an entire year. I know that some balls were breaking and we received 300 balls as replacements. I don’t see broken balls in the trash cans or complaints about broken balls, so I can only think that members are putting them in their bags, pockets, etc.. and taking them home. If you have accidentily taken balls home with you, please return them. I will continue to refill the buckets, but understand that this is going to cause an increase in dues for 2022.
- Masks- I play mostly in the late afternoon and am noticing people not wearing a mask when they come into or leave the courts. Your shirt is not a mask, you towel is not a mask, your hand is not a mask, your paddle is not a mask. If you don’t have a mask, then you don’t come onto the courts. Simple, right?
- Shoes- Again, I’m noticing people playing with boots or sandels, or flip flops. The correct shoes are court shoes!
- Lastly, Tables- This weekend, the tables and chairs are being put back out in the breezeways. There will be signs on each table regarding usage. Please follow the signs and enjoy the slow change back to normalcy.
Stay Safe and Healthy, and let’s have a better 2021.