We have been asked to help out the Tennis Club with their charity drive,
Please see Sharon’s email below and let’s do our part for their charity.
The Grand Tennis Club is hosting their Third Annual Charity Tennis Tournament Nov 2-5, 2023 with all proceeds going to benefit The Ronald McDonald House of Phoenix. We will be having a Recycle/Reuse Clothing Drive with all donations going to RMH. If you’re cleaning out your closets and have any athletic clothing you would like to donate, we will have a donation box in the breezeway at the front of the PB Courts. We also have a donation box in the Sports Room by the Tennis courts. We will take shoes, paddles or any athletic clothing. We appreciate all donations!!
Please come visit us Nov 2-5th and watch some fun tennis, shop at our Recycle/Reuse sale, visit our amazing vendors and sponsor booths, watch an Exhibition Tennis Match on Saturday, Nov 4th, with Ottawa University at 12pm and have a chair or table massage from Alex Michael. Ray’s Rackets will be onsite all day Saturday as well. Contact Sharon Villanueva at 303-946-8915 with any questions.
See you around the courts.