Tournament and personal update

We are in the home stretch for the In-House pickleball tournament set for tomorrow and Tuesday, November 14 and 15.  I know that the tournament will run smoothly, and everyone will have fun.  The seedings and brackets will be available later today as we put the finishing touches on it.  There will be a raffle for 2 Selkirk paddles in the Pavilion, one valued at $350 and the other for $200.  The raffle will be over the two days of the tournament with the winning tickets drawn Tuesday during lunch.  You do not have to be present to win.  I will send out an email blast with the winning ticket numbers.  Tickets will be 2 for $1 with all of the money going to St Marys’ Food Bank just in time for Thanksgiving.

On a personal note, I just tested positive for COVID this morning at 7AM, so Susan and I will be in quarantine for the foreseeable future. I know that everyone will pull together to help make this a smoothly run event.  
Remember to have fun, be courteous to each other and help raise money for a much-needed charity

Thanks, and see everybody in a week or so.