These “Standing Rules and Operating Procedures” are under revision and will be incorporated into chapters twelve and thirteen of the “SUN CITY GRAND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION CHARTERED CLUB POLICIES & PROCEDURES .”
Updated October, 2018
This document covers rules and procedures that are specific to the Grand Pickleball Club. If there is an area of conflict, the Club Bylaws or the Chartered Clubs Rules, Regulations and Procedures will prevail.
Membership shall be open to all members in good standing of the Sun City Grand Community Association.
Resident Guest: A resident guest is a resident of SCG with a current association activity card or tenant activity card, who has not yet formally joined the club. They may attend club-sponsored functions three times before being required to join the club.
Non-resident Guest: All other individuals who are accompanied by an association member or otherwise sponsored by an association member are considered non-resident guests. They are not qualified for club membership and are not permitted to attend club-sponsored functions.
Household Guests: An individual or family member who temporarily resides as a guest with a SCG resident during an area visit. These individuals may use the association’s facilities if they meet all club requirements for safety, training and individual decorum.
Dues are determined by the Executive Board and voted on by the membership. Current club dues can be found on the Membership Application at
- Pay dues on time.
- Know club procedures.
- Know and abide by game rules and drop-in rules.
- Accompany household guest(s) on court.
- Protect club equipment.
- Wear name badges while on the courts.
- Stay informed by use of our website –
- Wear proper shoes with non-marking soles.
- Show courtesy to others and do not interrupt game in progress.
- Members must agree to monitor per rules –
- Members are encouraged to serve the club by volunteering to serve on committees, teaching, or being an officer, etc. Monetary compensation shall not be accepted by any volunteer/club member.
- Code of Conduct. The SCG Code of Conduct should be read by all members. It is available at All members agree to abide by these conduct codes. Any violation of the code should be reported to CAM per the procedure outlined on the SCG website.
- The courts are open from 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m., year-round.
- There are “summer” hours for club events and “winter” hours for club events. The club President will send out an email when hours change season to season.
- Court reservations are made on the clubs website up to 7 days in advance – See, for instructions.
- Pickleball Rules – See,
- Drop-in Procedure – See,
- Ladder Rules and Procedures – See,
- Wear athletic shoes with non-marking soles (court shoes are recommended).
- Pick up balls remaining on court and replace in canister when exiting the courts.
- Retrieve balls hit over the fence and replace in canister.
- Move chairs back to original place if you have repositioned them.
- Keep courts clean – dispose of papers, empty bottles, etc. in trash containers.
- Put only broken balls in broken ball trash containers.
- If you hit a ball into the next court, call “ball” loudly so the other team will stop play, preventing injuries.
- Use the entry gate of the court you will be playing on.
- Do not enter courts while courts are in play.
- Do not presume that a “reserved” court is open to you simply because you know the members playing on that court. “Reserved” courts are only open to those players that have been specifically invited by the person who reserved that court.
Club Monitor: During all club-sponsored activities on the courts, a monitor must be provided by the club to insure that established operating and safety procedures are followed. All Club members are required to monitor a minimum of one time per year. In the event of rain, the monitor will go to the courts and prepare a sheet marked “rained out” to get credit for that day.
Monitors shall insure people playing during club events are (1) members of the club, (2) eligible house guests of club members or (3) a SCG resident non-club member (limited to 3 visits before being required to join the club). All CAM carrying residents/club members must swipe their CAM card before playing. All guests must check-in with the monitor and sign in on the daily sheet. In the event of a disagreement between a monitor and club participant the decision of the monitor will prevail in all instances. A monitor’s decision may be appealed to the Pickleball Executive Board. Until such appeal is heard and acted upon, the monitor’s decision prevails.
Monitor instructions:
Injuries: In the event of injury requiring medical attention, club monitors shall complete an Incident Report which the monitor shall turn in to the General Manager’s Office.
There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate past President, and as many elected directors needed for member representation. The Executive Board shall have overall governing authority consistent with the bylaws and shall authorize committees necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of the club. The Executive Board may be assisted by the chairperson of such committees to carry out the club functions and purpose.
Election of Officers: All board officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at an annual membership meeting if a quorum (20 members in good standing, excluding the Executive Board) has been established.
Term of Office:
- All officers are elected for one year.
- The term of the Board shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st.
- Newly elected officers, within 14 business days of taking office, shall read and understand the SCG Chartered Club Rules, Regulations, and Procedures.
- The club President shall submit a CC-5 New Club Officer form to the Activities Director each year.
- If more than one member is nominated for an elected position, voting shall be by secret written ballot.
Nominating Committee:
- Shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
- Consists of a minimum of 3 club members in good standing.
- Cannot be a member of the Executive Board.
- Shall preside over club meetings.
- Shall be responsible for administration of club business.
- Shall act as principle liaison between club and the association.
- Shall issue notices of meetings of the Executive Board or General Meeting.
- Shall appoint all committees and chairpersons with board approval.
- Shall, in the event of board vacancies on the Executive Board, appoint, with Board approval, an interim replacement until official elections can be held.
- Shall assign duties to other Board members.
Past President:
- Shall act as advisor for continuity from one administration to the next.
Vice President:
- Shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence.
- Shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
- Shall maintain club records.
- Shall prepare and keep minutes of meetings.
- Shall conduct all correspondence relating to club meetings.
- Shall furnish whatever reports to the association as required.
- Shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
- Shall receive and deposit all funds due to the club.
- Shall pay all club-related bills.
- Shall furnish financial reports to the Executive Board, membership and association as required, including year-end reports.
- Shall maintain the club roster and order name tags for new members.
- Shall have good knowledge of bookkeeping procedures.
- Shall have ability to work with a spread sheet and to work with Money or Quicken for keeping the financial records.
- Shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
- Shall represent the membership at general Board meetings.
- Shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
*Board members volunteer their time to support the Club and shall not accept gifts or monetary compensation while serving on the Board.
- Check and balance procedure to preclude a single withdrawal from ordering, receiving and disbursing equipment or inventories over $500.00.
- Any non-budgeted monetary disbursements over $499.99 shall require membership approval.
- Deposit all revenues in an established club account, as approved by CAM, in the club name, and maintain the club account through succeeding club administrations. Disbursements should not be made from cash, which has not been deposited in the club account. All disbursements should be made by check, or from an approved petty cash fund, with purchase receipts or invoice retained with documents.
- All transactions shall be recorded in club financial records and all financial records must be preserved for 7 years.
- As part of regular club meetings, the Treasurer should provide the members with a financial presentation showing revenues and disbursements and account balances. This presentation should be recorded in the minutes of the meetings.
- Periodically inventory and reconcile retail and asset inventories.
- All monies received by the club from special activities and events must be deposited into the club’s bank account. All associated disbursements must be made by check. No disbursements may be made from “un-banked” monies.
- Executive Board meetings shall be held not less than twice annually. Time and place shall be determined by the Executive Board. The President shall preside at said meetings.
- Membership meetings shall be held not less than twice annually. Time and place shall be determined by the Executive Board. The President shall preside at said meetings.
- Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be followed. The club Chair must recognize a club member before they speak. All club member comments or concerns must be directed to the Chair and shall not exceed 3 minutes per speaker.
A complete list of job duties for the club can be found at:
Most jobs are self-explanatory but can change from time to time, therefore, to avoid outdated information within this document, only job descriptions that remain static will be outlined here.
Social Committee:
- Plan, direct, coordinate and manage social activities/events for the club that encourage social interaction of club members.
- Provide leadership and direction to coordinate the efforts of the social committee volunteers.
- Report to the Executive Board and membership at club meetings to keep members informed of planned events.
- Coordinate the use of CAM facilities and equipment through the activities office for social functions.
- Interview and select caterers or vendors for each event.
- Prepare all club email blasts for all club-sponsored events.
- Manage each scheduled event to include site setup, vendor placement, performers, caterers, volunteers, etc.
Court Maintenance Committee:
- Shall clean and maintain courts.
- Be responsible and make sure cleaning equipment is available and in good repair.
- Work with CAM maintenance on court and surrounding facility issues.
- Be alert to safety issues.
- Prepare courts for tournaments.
Ladder Committee:
The ladder committee consists of a Ladder Manager and one Ladder Captain for each skill-level. They shall make sure the ladders run smoothly and ensure that ladder rules are enforced. The ladder manager will report directly to the Executive Board. The Ladder Manager must have access to a computer and possess basic computer skills. The Ladder Program runs all year including holidays.
See: Ladder Management Rules for Players and Captains –
- Mixers are club social events. Social play focuses on players having fun and making connections with other club members and is not considered a competition such as Ladder or League or Tournament. Therefore, no skill-level ranking shall be assigned to a specific mixer. Any club member in good standing regardless of their skill-level shall be allowed to play.
- Starting times differ for each Mixer pursuant to the club calendar (See,
- Mixers operate without advance sign up. Players should show up 15 minutes prior to the start of play. Play is assigned on a first come – first serve basis with alternates if necessary.
- All Mixers shall have a monitor to coordinate and manage play. If a monitor is not able to attend, it is the monitor’s responsibility to obtain an alternate monitor before the event or to cancel the event with appropriate notice to membership.
- Mixers shall not be allotted more than one-half the available court space (i.e. 11 courts) for play. The Board shall periodically review court usage statistics and make changes to the number of courts assigned to a Mixer.
- Any changes to mixers times or formats must be submitted to the club President and approved by the club Executive Board.
Court Ball Distribution Committee:
- Replaces balls in canisters on courts as needed and as specified by the Executive Board.
- Shall recruit volunteers to assist as needed.
- Replenish balls a minimum of three times per week
- Maintain ball inventory.
Shall update the website as needed. Reports directly to the Board. The website is one of the primary sources of information that is available to members for club activities and procedures. The Webmaster will gather information from various sources and keep the website updated in a timely manner. The goal is to have the website be the main information source to members.
Tournament Director: The Tournament Director is responsible for scheduling, setting up, and coordinating all Board and CAM approved pickleball tournaments. Tournaments are to be self-funded with all monies collected and expenses turned over to the club Treasurer for payment. The Tournament Director reports directly to the Executive Board. The Tournament Director will solicit support from all club members to assist in running the tournaments. The following list of volunteer positions is required to make tournaments successful:
- Health and Safety: Assures that proper equipment is readily available in case of an emergency. Communicates Health and Safety guidelines to all participants and provides trained safety volunteers on each day the tournament is held.
- Desk/Matchmaking: Prepares brackets and seeding charts.
- Referees: Solicits volunteers to referee all matches. Calls and coordinates referees to courts as needed.
- Food and Beverages: Provide food and beverages during tournament as directed by the Tournament Director.
The Tournament Director will determine what, if any, awards will be given and the method of recognition. The Tournament Director is responsible for acquiring such awards.
Clinics: The purpose of clinics is to help improve player’s skills. The Clinic Director(s) shall communicate information regarding clinics via membership emails to ensure maximum participation.
Clinic organization and format shall be at the discretion of the Clinic Director(s). They shall have sole authority in choosing a format for a clinic but shall also solicit input from the membership regarding specific skills that participants may desire to help improve the overall quality of play and for the enjoyment of the game. The Clinic Director(s) shall be responsible for recruiting enough qualified instructors for each clinic so that skills can be taught, observed and practiced.
Introductory Lesson Director: Shall schedule, organize and coordinate classes for beginners and potential club members. A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board located on the north wall of the restrooms. The Introductory Lesson Director is responsible for posting new sign-up sheets as needed.
Introductory Lesson Director shall perform the duties of the court monitor, making sure students wear proper shoes, providing safety instructions and recording the number of participants in the monitor notebook.
Safety Committee Director: Shall be responsible for keeping first aid supplies available and keeping emergency procedures posted to encourage safe play and hazard free courts.
Keep first aid box stocked.
- Encourage club members to get CPR and AED certification.
- Provide safety personnel for tournaments.
- Work with court monitor to make sure accident/incident reports are completed when needed.
- Make sure emergency procedures are posted.
Monitor Chairperson: Shall be responsible for providing monitor credit to members who have either monitored a club function or provided a service for the club.
- Keep records and provide necessary tools and supplies for monitors.
- Compile and submit reports to the Executive Board as needed.
- Oversee monitor schedule to ensure that members have signed up properly and that there is a designated monitor for all club functions.
- Provide monthly reports to SCG Activities Director as required.
Nominating Committee: Shall nominate members for Club officers and Board positions and is responsible for the complete election process as outlined in the Charter Club Rules and Regulations of Sun City Grand.
The Standing Rules and Operating Procedures (SOP’s) will be reviewed every year and updated when necessary by the Executive Board. The SOP’s will be signed by the President and the Vice President every year. Changes to the document must be voted on by the Board and club Membership and submitted to the Lifestyles Manager for approval and signature.
__________________________________________ Date:________________________
Club President
__________________________________________ Date:________________________
Club Vice President
__________________________________________ Date:_______________________
Lifestyles Manager